Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24-28

Welcome to Walden Week!  In addition to working on the Sustainable Foods essay, we'll enjoy excerpts from the highly influential and relevant book by Henry David Thoreau.

MONDAY: Journal warm-up.  Receive Walden excerpt that contains 5 vocabulary words for the week.  Go over sustainable foods articles, and then the prompt as a whole.  List the factors that could be considered and prioritized in the the essay, noting source material that could work for each.  View working outlines.  Listen to excerpts from Walden and enjoy an optional, extra credit coloring activity.

Due:  Finish reading and annotating the rest of the sustainable foods sources and outline a detailed response to the prompt.  Bring the sources with annotations and your outline for Monday

Homework: for Friday:

1. Finish reading Walden excerpt (if need be).
2. Type up rough draft of sustainable foods essay to before class on Friday.

WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up.  (CAST Science Text for part of the class.) Read sources and debate whether or not "green living" should be mandatory or voluntary.

Due: n/a

Homework: for Friday:

1. Finish reading Walden excerpt (if need be).
2. Type up rough draft of sustainable foods essay to before class on Friday.

FRIDAY: Journal warm-up.  Quiz covering Walden vocabulary and content. Walden discussion.  View sample rough drafts with synthesis essay-writing sheet.  Last half of class: work on final drafts on laptops.

1. Finish reading Walden excerpt (if need be).
2. Type up rough draft of sustainable foods essay to before class on Friday.

Homework: Revise rough draft of sustainable foods essay and submit final draft to by Thursday night, May 4 at 11:00 p.m.  Using the Overview of Synthesis-Style Essays Sheet as a checklist, compare your essay to the steps and suggestions on the sheet. 

Finish any outstanding independent reading.

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17-21

Welcome back! This week we'll officially finish Gatsby and begin our Nature/Environment unit, including a synthesis-style essay about sustainable foods and whether or not they should be part of U.S. policy.

TUESDAY: Journal warm-up.  Finish the Gatsby movie.  Discuss Gatsby questions as a whole class and question #6 in small groups.  Introduce the sustainable foods synthesis prompt and begin reading and annotating the sources. 

1. Read the questions and submit an original discussion board post in for the Independent Reading.

2. Please read your independent reading book, keeping an eye out for how the messages, style, and characters compare and contrast with the first semester independent reading book(s).  Check last week's homework for a listing for each book and where you should be.

Homework: Finish reading and annotating Source B, C, and D from the sustainable foods synthesis prompt for Thursday.

THURSDAY: Journal warm-up.  Quiz.  View Source A, Menzel's photo essay from the sustainable foods synthesis packet as a class and view a sample rhetorical analysis essay about it.  Discuss all of the possible factors that should be considered and prioritized, and list the stakeholders involved.  Read a previous College Board passage that satirizes the typical environmental disagreement.

Due: Finish reading and annotating Source B, C, and D.

Homework: Finish reading and annotating the rest of the sustainable foods sources and outline a detailed response to the prompt.  Bring the sources with annotations and your outline for Monday.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 10 - 14

It's official! We have less than two months of school left before the school year is over, and you'll be seniors.  I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing break and is ready for a productive and lively 8 weeks until finals.

This week, we'll wrap up Gatsby and begin reading the Dakota Pipeline synthesis essay prompt and kick off a mini-unit with older and more modern American reading about humans and their relationship to nature.  This is the first of the remaining three essays we'll work on this year - the other two are the independent reading synthesis essay and the college essay.

MONDAY: Journal warm-up. Review Space Exploration prompt and review class outline responses.  View actual samples turned in to the College Board and evaluate them.  Watch the first 30 minutes of the 2013 movie.

Due: Read Chapters 8 and 9 of The Great Gatsby (finish the book). Does the ending ring true for you? We'll discuss the book when you get back and it'll be on this week's quiz.

Read the synthesis essay sources and prompt, and outline an essay response for Monday.

Continue reading your independent reading book.  We will be working with the information from these books with a synthesis essay in early May (after April's essay).

Homework:  Make sure journal is ready to turn in next class.

Read another 25-50 pages of your independent reading book, keeping an eye out for how the messages, style, and characters compare and contrast with the first semester independent reading book(s).

NOTE: The goal is to finish your independent reading by May 4.  Here is where you should be (approximately):
A. Tech - at least 400 pages into Steve Jobs 
B. Race Relations - 250-300 pages into Malcolm X
C. War - finished with The Things They Carried by the end of this week
D. Environment - about 250 pages into Silent Spring
E. Horror - about 400 pages into The Shining
F. American Woman - just beginning The Awakening
G. Strength - about 100, 125 pages into Fight Club
H. Politics - about 900-1,000 pages into Atlas Shrugged
I. American Man - Just starting We the Animals

WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Pippin school play preview. Watch another 30 minutes of the 2013 version of The Great Gatsby.

Due:  Continue independent reading.

Homework: Study for quiz.

Journals ready to turn in on Friday.

Complete the Final Gatsby Questions with original answers for Friday.

FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz. Watch the movie version of The Great Gatsby.

Due: Complete the Final Gatsby Questions with original answers for Friday.

Turn in journals for a journal check.

Homework: 1. Read the questions and submit an original discussion board post in for the Independent Reading. 

2. Take this, one of the last opportunities, to work on the independent reading book:
please read another 30-80+ pages, keeping an eye out for how the messages, style, and characters compare and contrast with the first semester independent reading book(s).

NOTE: The goal is to finish your independent reading by May 4.  Here is where you should be (approximately):
A. Tech - at least 600 pages into Steve Jobs 
B. Race Relations - 400 pages into Malcolm X
C. War - finish The Things They Carried
D. Environment - about 350 pages into Silent Spring
E. Horror - about 600 pages into The Shining
F. American Woman - finish The Awakening
G. Strength - 180-200 pages into Fight Club
H. Politics - about 1,000-1,100 pages into Atlas Shrugged
I. American Man - finishing up We the Animals