Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 12-16: The Final Week of Class in 2016!

It's already here - the last week before Winter Break.  It's been a great year so far, and I'm looking forward to reading different types of passages, hearing your insights, and, yes, reading your essays during the rest of this year and into 2017. Here's what's on the agenda this week:

MONDAY: Journal warm-up.  Turn in and share raft projects.  Notes: types of claims, examples.  Add 3 more logical fallacies to the list.  Discuss Huckleberry Finn so far, read aloud in class.

  1. Bring in your selected outline (government-provided healthcare, Black Lives Matter, or Tiny Houses).  Make sure you have a good argument planned with evidence and examples.  
  2. The Huckleberry Finn Raft Project. I'll hang them on the wall. 
  3. Huckleberry Finn, Chapter 11.
  4. Please bring The Grapes of Wrath and the English textbooks to class or turn them to the library yourself.
 Homework: Please read Huckleberry Finn, Chapters 12 and 13.

WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up.  Review steps to writing out an essay.  Write out an argument essay using the argument outline you turned in on Monday.  When finished, begin reading Paper Tigers article.

Due: Huckleberry Finn, Chapters 12 and 13.

Homework: Finish reading Paper Tigers article.  Be ready to discuss your impressions of the article and whether or not you think the college admission based on diversity is a good idea or not.

Make sure your journal is ready to turn in.  You should have answers to journal prompts for the days that you were in class (does not have to be a full page).

FRIDAY: (minimum day) Journal warm-up.  Quiz covering vocabulary and Huckleberry Finn reading.  Talk about your impressions of the Paper Tiger article, read this response and discuss college admissions based on diversity (pros and cons). 

Due: Finish reading Paper Tigers article.  Be ready to discuss your impressions of the article.

Journals are due for a journal check.  Please leave them in the bin in the classroom.

Homework: Please pick up your independent reading book and finish the following: 

1. Group
A. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.  Begin Steve Jobs - shoot for 100 pages.
B. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.  Begin Malcolm X, read 100 pages.
C. The Last of the Mohicans
D. The Jungle
E. Finish the Edgar Allen Poe and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  Begin The Shining - shoot for 200 pages. 
F. Little Women
G. Beloved
H. 600 pages of Atlas Shrugged
J. The Sun Also Rises.  Begin La Vida Loca - read 50 pages. 

2. When you're finished, please post on the book discussion group under the latest topic, #3.   (Click on the Discussion Tab on the upper right once you're in that "class" on with your book group.)

3. Also, work on obtaining the book(s) for second semester. 

Have a wonderful and well-deserved
holiday break! 
I look forward to seeing you again in 2017.

Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5 -9

It's the week before the week before Winter Break!  I'm looking forward to continuing with Huckleberry Finn, reading, discussing, acting some of it out, and working on raft projects.  We'll also be continuing with the basics of Argument and getting started on the second argument essay.

There have been a few updates this week, none of which were planned, due to absence with the flu on Tuesday.  I'm happy to be back and have the classes up to speed!

TUESDAY: Journal warm-up.  Review and read Huckleberry Finn Chapter 11 in class.  Introduce the Huck Finn Raft Project. .

Due: Read Chapters 4-10 of Huckleberry Finn.

Homework: Begin work on Huck Finn raft project.

Study for quiz.  Quiz will include Huckleberry Finn.

Bring The Grapes of Wrath and the (heavy) English 3 Textbook with you to class to turn in, or turn in by yourself to the library.

THURSDAY: Quiz covering vocab, grammar and Huckleberry Finn.  Receive feedback for Grapes argument essays.  Mini-lesson about how to integrate quotes into essays.  Receive 3 argument outlines back.  Choose one of them to write into the second argument essay.  Go through Huckleberry Finn up through Chapter 10.  Check in re: Huckleberry Finn and Raft Project and show samples.

DueThe Grapes of Wrath library copy and the English 3 Textbook to class.

Homework:  Look over your selected outline (government-provided healthcare, Black Lives Matter, or Tiny Houses).  Make sure you have a good argument planned with evidence and examples.  Please bring this outline to class on Monday.

Finish Huckleberry Finn Raft Project for Monday, and bring to class.  We'll hang them on the wall.

If you have not yet read Huckleberry Finn, Chapter 11, please do so.

Please bring The Grapes of Wrath and the English textbooks to class or turn them to the library yourself.